Summer of Science Collection (ages 5-14)
Kids will have a blast discovering the science of sound with fun DIY experiments and virtual visits to MIM's galleries. Best for kids ages 5 through 14.
Summer of Science | Sound Waves
To start to understand the connections between science and music, we need to ask ourselves a question: how does sound work?
Summer of Science | Intro to Organology
How do we classify instruments based on their design and function? Organology is the classification of musical instruments based on how they vibrate to produce sound.
Summer of Science | Aerophones
An aerophone is an instrument that creates sound through a vibrating column of air.
Summer of Science | Chordophones
Chord is another word for string!
Summer of Science | Electrophones
Let's explore electrophones—instruments that need electricity to make sound!
Summer of Science | Idiophones
Idiophone: when the instrument itself vibrates.
Summer of Science | Membranophones
Drums are the most common form of membranophone. How does stretching a vibrating membrane across a shell change the sound? Let's find out!
Summer of Science Viewing Guide for Parents and Caregivers
319 KB
1 – Sound Waves Activity Sheet
191 KB
2 – Organology Activity Sheet
104 KB
3 – Aerophones Activity Sheet
874 KB
4 – Chordophones Activity Sheet
400 KB
5 – Electrophones Activity Sheet
1.6 MB
6 – Idiophones Activity Sheet
691 KB
7 – Membranophones Activity Sheet
719 KB